
History grows from one day. At birth all organizations have no history. AEF is unique.AEF, formally registered with the USA federal government as a non-profit organization in May 12th 2004, is an offshoot of a grass root initiative with a long history.In the 1980s, AEF founding directors, while residing in Kenya, made great efforts to stimulate community participation for social economic development in Kiteta location, Makueni District, Kenya. This was based on their observation and informed opinion that the country’s systems were increasing getting over-stretched and that prospects for sustainable socio economic development were dwindling with time and that community participation was essential in supplementing Government’s efforts. Though the effort did not lead to significant community activity, it marked the beginning of an incubation of a dream. In 2002, the first seed hatched with the establishment and registration of Kilisa Village Development Committee (KVDC), a community based organization in Kilisa village, Kisau division, Makueni district, Eastern province, Kenya (Refer to Achievements so for in this website). This development was extremely exciting and inspirational to the AEF directors, who are currently residents in the USA. The KVDC initiative was fully in line with what the founders had preached for over 20 years thus providing an opportunity for expansion to other areas. AEF was then registered in Kenya with the aim of expanding this dream from village level to Africa continent level. Africa leaders, technocrats and communities need to take a central position and genuinely participate in socio economic development of the continent. AEF recognizes the fact that Africa has may partners willing and assisting in their guest for socioeconomic development.