Success stories #9: Fruit Processing Plant, at KVDC site:

Kiteta location is in the Fruit growing zone. Nearly all households have citrus fruit trees and the effort has been intensified since the beginning of KVDC project and the initiative is spreading fast in the new Mbooni District.

Because of dependence on rainfall, most of fruits are harvested seasonally. When harvest time comes, the fruits have to be sold quickly and cheaply to avoid spoilage. This has been discouraging to the farmers.It is good news that the KVDC community is due to receive a Fruit processing plant. In preparation, the community is finalizing the water project and step down of electricity to carter for the Fruit processing plant. The plant will have multiple benefits ie creation of employment, ensuring market for fruits, enhancing nutrition, etc.


AEF invites potential partners interested in the Food security, preservation and storage to join AEF and KVDC in developing models for Food processing, preservation, storage and marketing as a strategy for ensuring food security in rural settings. It is possible and scalable

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